

Daha Fazla

The Most Common Phrasal Verbs






24 Haziran 2024 Pazartesi
a) To make a sudden, quick advance, as through an obstruction

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24 Haziran 2024 Pazartesi 21:11 THE MOST COMMON PHRASAL VERBS 1) BREAK THROUGH a) To make a sudden, quick advance, as through an obstruction = İlerlemek, başarmak Example: Desptie all the obstacles, he managed to break through. 2) BREAK OUT a) To develop suddenly and forcefully = Patlak vermek Example: People fear that another world war might break out soon. 3) BREAK DOWN a) To cause to collapse; destroy = Mahvetmek, yıkmak b) To fail to function = Bozulmak, çalışamaz hale gelmek Example: The elevator broke down, so we had to climb up the stairs. 4) GET OVER a) To recover from = Atlatmak, iyileşmek Example He finally got over the divorce. 5) ACCOUNT FOR a) To make up, form or constitute = Oluşturmak, sebebi olmak b) To provide an explanation = Açıklamak Example: Bad weather account for the long delay. The suspect couldn't account for what he was doing that night. 6) ADD UP a) To be consistent and make sense = Tutarlı olmak, bir anlam ifade etmek b) To calcute = Hesaplamak Example: The witness's testimony simply did not add up. 7) BRING UP a) To educate or rear a child, an animal, or a plant = Yetiştirmek, büyütmek b) To introduce into discussion = Gündeme getirmek c) To vomit İstifra etmek, kusmak Example: I was brought up by my grandparents. The party spokesperson says he will bring...

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up the issue of gender equality soon. When he saw the fly in the soup, he couldn't help bringing up. 8) BRING OUT a) The reveal or expose = ifşa etmek, açığa çıkarmak b) To produce or publish = Yayınlamak Example: The spy brought out all the plan behind his actions. These days, I am excited to bring out a new book. 9) BRING DOWN a) To cause to collapse or fall = Çökertmek, yıkmak b) To cause to lose power = Gücünden, iktidarından etmek Example: We hired a demolition crew to bring down the building. The scandal brought down the prime minister. 10) BRING ABOUT a) To cause something to happen = Sebep olmak, yol açmak Example: The King's speech brought about a change in public opinion. 11) TAKE DOWN a) To bring to a lower position = Aşağı seviyelere çekmek b) To take apart = Parçalara ayırmak Example: They took down the old three within minutes. 12) TAKE AFTER a) To follow as an exmaple = Yolundan gitmek b) To resemble = Benzetmek Example: John takes after his grandfather. 13) TAKE UP a) To use up, occupy absorb, raise and lift = Yer, zaman vb. kaplamak, almak emme, çekmek ve kaldırmak Example: This restaurant takes up a superb location. 14) TAKE OVER a) To assume the control of = Devralmak, ele almak b) To become dominant = Hakim olmak, öne çıkmak Example: She took over the job after he left. 15) CALL OF a) To cancel = iptal etmek b) To restrain = Dizginlemek Example: We called of the trip due to low attendance. 16) CALL FOR a) To appear = Belirmek b) To require, demand = Talep etmek Example: This is a sort of work that calls for patience. 17) CARRY OFF a) To cause the death off = Ölümüne sebep olmak b) To handle successfully = Başarı ile yürütmek Example: The boy was carried off by fever. 18) CARRY OUT a) To put into effect = Gerçekleştirmek b) To follow, do = Yapmak, yerine getirmek Example: We just carry out instructions here. 19) CARRY ON a) To conduct, matintain, keep on = Sürdürmek, devam etmek Example: They carried on thriving in this business. 20) COME ACROSS a) To meet or find by chance = Rastlamak Example: I came across my old college friends in town today. 21) COME OUT a) To become known = Ortaya çıkmak, bilinmek b) To be issued or brought out = Piyasaya çıkmak c) To end up, result = Sonlanmak Example: The whole story came out at the trial. The author's new book just came out. 22) COME ALONG a) To make advances to a goal; progress = Yolunda gitmek b) To show up = Ortaya çıkmak Example: Things are coming along fine. 23) COME ABOUT a) To take place, happen = Meydana gelmek b) To turn around = Dönmek, yön değiştirmek Example: The accident came about at 5pm sharp yesterday.