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Modals and Perfect Modals






can be able to
She can swim.
② could = was I were able to = yapabiliyordum (past ability)
•When I was teenager, I could play the

Kayıt Ol

Kaydol ve binlerce ders notuna sınırsız erişim sağla. Ücretsiz!

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Milyonlarca öğrenciye katıl

Notlarını Yükselt

Kaydolduğunda Hizmet Şartları ve Gizlilik Politikasını kabul etmiş olursun

can be able to
She can swim.
② could = was I were able to = yapabiliyordum (past ability)
•When I was teenager, I could play the

Kayıt Ol

Kaydol ve binlerce ders notuna sınırsız erişim sağla. Ücretsiz!

Tüm belgeleri görebilirsin

Milyonlarca öğrenciye katıl

Notlarını Yükselt

Kaydolduğunda Hizmet Şartları ve Gizlilik Politikasını kabul etmiş olursun

can be able to
She can swim.
② could = was I were able to = yapabiliyordum (past ability)
•When I was teenager, I could play the

Kayıt Ol

Kaydol ve binlerce ders notuna sınırsız erişim sağla. Ücretsiz!

Tüm belgeleri görebilirsin

Milyonlarca öğrenciye katıl

Notlarını Yükselt

Kaydolduğunda Hizmet Şartları ve Gizlilik Politikasını kabul etmiş olursun

can be able to
She can swim.
② could = was I were able to = yapabiliyordum (past ability)
•When I was teenager, I could play the

Kayıt Ol

Kaydol ve binlerce ders notuna sınırsız erişim sağla. Ücretsiz!

Tüm belgeleri görebilirsin

Milyonlarca öğrenciye katıl

Notlarını Yükselt

Kaydolduğunda Hizmet Şartları ve Gizlilik Politikasını kabul etmiş olursun

can be able to
She can swim.
② could = was I were able to = yapabiliyordum (past ability)
•When I was teenager, I could play the

Kayıt Ol

Kaydol ve binlerce ders notuna sınırsız erişim sağla. Ücretsiz!

Tüm belgeleri görebilirsin

Milyonlarca öğrenciye katıl

Notlarını Yükselt

Kaydolduğunda Hizmet Şartları ve Gizlilik Politikasını kabul etmiş olursun

can be able to
She can swim.
② could = was I were able to = yapabiliyordum (past ability)
•When I was teenager, I could play the

Kayıt Ol

Kaydol ve binlerce ders notuna sınırsız erişim sağla. Ücretsiz!

Tüm belgeleri görebilirsin

Milyonlarca öğrenciye katıl

Notlarını Yükselt

Kaydolduğunda Hizmet Şartları ve Gizlilik Politikasını kabul etmiş olursun

can be able to
She can swim.
② could = was I were able to = yapabiliyordum (past ability)
•When I was teenager, I could play the

Kayıt Ol

Kaydol ve binlerce ders notuna sınırsız erişim sağla. Ücretsiz!

Tüm belgeleri görebilirsin

Milyonlarca öğrenciye katıl

Notlarını Yükselt

Kaydolduğunda Hizmet Şartları ve Gizlilik Politikasını kabul etmiş olursun

can be able to
She can swim.
② could = was I were able to = yapabiliyordum (past ability)
•When I was teenager, I could play the

Kayıt Ol

Kaydol ve binlerce ders notuna sınırsız erişim sağla. Ücretsiz!

Tüm belgeleri görebilirsin

Milyonlarca öğrenciye katıl

Notlarını Yükselt

Kaydolduğunda Hizmet Şartları ve Gizlilik Politikasını kabul etmiş olursun

#MODALS #2. can be able to She can swim. ② could = was I were able to = yapabiliyordum (past ability) •When I was teenager, I could play the piano. 。 was / were able to + V₁ = managed to yapabildim. (spesific past ability) • Solm (c) When the ship sank, the passangers were able to swim to the shore. coyid may might Could + V₁ -e bilir (present-future possibility) Can pek tercih edilmez) may + I love Q anotsoild O Could + Ilyou + V polite request would + you of babal of ICH Will + you •Where was Dr. Ahmet yesterday? - I don't know. He may have frozen from the cold. 3 could have V3 yapabilirdim ama yapmadım Ma (unrealized opportunities) •I could have gone on holiday to Spain last year (but I went to Bodrum instead). (④ can't have V3. couldn't have -miş olamaz (do 100 impossibility) . Helen can't have robbed the bank. She is not that talented. ⑤ must have V3-miş olmal gecmiste %90 gerekçeli mustn't have Vinamis olmalı yüksek tahmin (past conc- Lusion-gecimise ait çıkarın) Their lights were off. They must have slept early. ⑥ needn't have V₁ yapmana gerek yoktur (ama yaptın) misafir yalanı •You needn't have brought flowers and chocolate. ⑦ought to should+Vi 21 Had better + V₁. Had better not + Vi ⑧must 990 gerekcieli yüksek tahmin (çikarim Sir's car is in front of the restaurant. He must beihungry. ⑨ used to V₁ Katum past habits (gecmişteki alışkanlıklar) V₂ would V be used to be accustomed to be...

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Alternatif metin:

in habit of I woy glad blow I -> + nl Ving ... ya alışkın olmak bi • He is used to smoking. • They are accustomed to hot weather.. (to) Get used to + n/Vingaliemak (to) Get accustomed to + Wow 26 mm Ob She can't get used to cold weather. ① would prefer to Would rather (than) + Vi ال اور / would sooner Would just as soon Selle Lell ! would rather / sooner sb + V₂ anlam presentin •I would rather Mr. Ot sang a song.. ④ mustn't = ① prohibition 2 strong suggestion. ②I would help you if I could. elimden gele " V of bow @ atachom (13) (to) Do one's best (to) Do all you can. - elinden geleni yapmak "I will do my best to pass the exam. • I will do all I can to pass the exam. 11 may / might as well + V₁ → yapabiliriz de, yapmaktan Jaran gelmez. 4611 15 be supposed to be to +V₁-20runluluk (beklenti) The film is supposed to start at 8 o'clock. be not supposed to / be not to Vi 1) don't have to (yapmana gerek yok) 2) mustn't (yapmamalısın) 00169 1) You are not supposed to eat it if you don't like it. 2) You are not supposed to eat, salt, according to what the doctor has said. 16 was / were supposed to V₁/ to V₁ yapmak zorunday- dim Cama yapmadım) Wwed bloodz ① el over of th You were supposed to bring your books (but left them at home). -> you all wasn't/ weren't supposed to V. / to V, yapmak 20- runda değil dim (ama yaptım) 7 #PERFECT MODALS #wizow ① should have V/3 yapman gerekiyordu (ama yapmadın) ought to have V3 • You should have finished your modal tests yesterday (but you didn't because you didn't understand me). + N of \ N of bouque for • shouldn't have V3 Ought not to have Va yapmaman gerekiyordu (ama yaptın) • You shouldn't have left, lights on last thight. (but you. left. Now, we will have huge bill). ② may I might! could I can have 1/3-mış olabilir (%50 past ability) Where was Dr. Ahmet yesterday? - I don't know. He may have frozen from the cold. 3 could have V3 yapabilirdim ama yapmadım (unrealized opportunities) • I could have gone on holiday to Spain last year (but I went to Bodrum instead). ④ can't have V3 • couldn't have s -miş olamaz (9100 impossibility) Helen can't have robbed the bank. She is not that talented. must have V3--mış olmalı geamiste %90 ingerekçeli mustn't have V→ namis olmal yüksek tahmin (past conc- Lusion-gecimise ait çıkarına • Their lights were off. They must have slept early! ⑥ needn't have Vi yapmana gerek yoktur Cama yapıtın) misafir yalan • You needn't have brought flowers and chocolate. W I would have Vyapardım Cama yapmadım) No wouldn't have. Va→ yapmazdım (ama yaptım) thich I Normally, I would have punched him in the face bow I was in a hurry for my lesson). ⑧would rather have №3 - past tercin (than Va) tercih ederdim ama etmedim).. • I would rather have stayed at home than gone to that boring film (but, I had to go) ser fab would rather I sooner sb past perfect → anlam past. · I would rather Semra had done her home work yes- terday. But, she didn't. svert thum Wand labum