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Conjunctions 2






Although / Though / Even though / Even if / much as c, ce rağmen
exp. He got a good point although he didn't stud

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#CONJUCTIONS # 1) ALTHOUGH Although / Though / Even though / Even if / much as c, ce rağmen exp. He got a good point although he didn't study Zitlik (beklentinin tersi) a) Anlamsal exp. Although she is a slim woman, she can lift 120 kg- b) Dönemsel zitlik a lot. Exp: Though TVs were not common in 1940s, we now have TVs almost in every room." c) Christopher Colombus / Viking zitliği exp. Although most people belive that Christopher Colombus discovered America, recent findings show that the Vikings reached 2)AS the Continent first. 5)UNTIL taman D Until c Lyumu C с until s --e kadar →iken 2) As/While c, c exp. As I am writing on the board, you are listening the music. b) As/Because Since <; <--den dolayı exp. He got high point as he studied a lot. exp. You will not go out until you finish writing. 6)AS LONG AS -as long as I so long as: C } -diği sürece as long as so long ast. süreci bildiren bir fil * →-dıkça /-dikçe So long c) As exp. As petrol prices get higher, we feel unhappy. 3) AS IF с as genelde olumsuz anlamda kullanılır. exp. As long as you study regularly, you can pass the exam. 7)HOWEVER 4. However I Nevertheless/Nonetheless/Even so / Still, C₂ → sanki,-miş gibi Cancak, ama, yine de) - as it las though exp: It seems as if it is going to rain. (reality) She is playing with the toy rabbits as if they are real. (unreality) 4) IN ORDER TO to...

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Alternatif metin:

V, lin order to Iso as to to V, lin order to Iso as to V. exp! You -mek /-mak с için are studying hard to pass the exam. In order to give weight, he is following Strict diet. a exp.: He didn't study a lot. However he got a good grade. however !...,. exp: He didn't study a lot. He, however, got a good grade though. -"- though, } however exp: He eats a lot, he doesn't get weight though. He eats a lot, he, though, doesn't get weight.